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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Mining Method for File Usage Prediction Rules with Working Situations

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

過去のファイル利用記録に基づいて、利用中のファイル群から次に必要となるファイル群を予測するルールを抽出する手法を開発した。ルール抽出は、(1) 共通の性質を持つ複数ファイルを、属性値の3つ組 (時期, タイプ, 作業) で表現されるアイテムに統合し、(2) 共通の属性を持つアイテムをコンテキストとしてまとめ、(3) コンテキスト毎に相関ルールを抽出する、という手順で行なう。抽出された予測ルールを比較した結果、コンテキスト導入によって予測可能な範囲が大きくなることを確認した。また、利用中のファイル群を用いた予測を行なう際のコンテキスト選択手法を提案し、総合的な予測性能(F値)が向上することを確認した。さらに、確信度が上位 n個のアイテムを選択する場合、n = 3 から 4 の間でバランスの良い情報提供が可能になることを明らかにし、情報提供の際の提案手法の有効性を確認した。

概要 (英文)

This report proposes a mining method for rules that predict candidates for information recommendation to users in works. The rules are extracted from a file access log by the Apriori algorithm. In this method, files with common features are integrated into an abstract item called a file item, that has the following three attributes; Period, Type, Title of Work. A target of mining is not the whole transaction but a segment of transactions specified by a working context. Each working context specifies an item set in which each item has one or two common attributes, and the Apriori algorithm is applied to transaction set each of which has non-empty intersection with the item set. Rule set for rare but periodic and important works becomes to be extracted in some working contexts. The candidates for information recommendation are predicted by the following steps;(1) selecting one or two working contexts that become minimum covers of an item set in current use,(2) appllying rule sets of selected working contexts,(3) selecting n file items with higher confidence values from the results of step (2).From experiments on mining and prediction, we have the following results;(a) When the number of all items is 17, the number of predictable items by the whole rule increases to 14 with working contexts compared with 7 without working contexts,(b) The average number of improper candidates in the predicted ones can be reduced to 0.71 for n = 4, 0.41 for n = 3 and 0.18 for n = 2 against 1.71 without the selection.(c) By considering the number of missed candidates against the improper ones, a well-balanced point for information recommendation is in 3 < n < 4.Thus, we conclude that the proposed mining method can extract association rule sets that have enough prediction ability for information recommendation.







二方 厚志



データマイニング Data Mininig
相関ルール Association Rule
予測 Prediction
情報検索 Information Retrieval
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry