電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Piping Integrity Assessment Utilizing Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics - Effect of Probability of Detection on Failure Probability
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
背 景
目 的
1. 欠陥検出確率曲線の設定
2. 欠陥検出に関する技量が漏えい確率に与える影響
開発したPFM解析コードを用いて,aminおよびamaxが冷却材の漏えい確率に及ぼす影響を調べた(表1).その結果,aminだけを変化させた解析では,漏えい確率の変化は小さかった.一方,amaxだけを変化させた解析では,既往研究注 )に基づいて決定したamax = 4 mmを基準に1 mm小さくすると漏えい確率は1オーダー程度下がるのに対し,1 mm大きくすると2オーダー程度上がることがわかった(図3).以上の結果より,UT技術者の訓練の達成基準として要求される欠陥検出に関する技量として,欠陥検出限界深さaminを小さくすることを目指すよりも,確実に検出できる欠陥深さamaxを大きくしないことを目指すべきであると言える.
概要 (英文)
In nuclear power plants, when cracks are detected in piping during in-service inspection (ISI), structural integrity assessment is required to be conducted on the basis of fitness-for-service codes. Detection and sizing of such cracks with high accuracy are necessary for accurate flaw evaluation, which plays an important role in the structural integrity of piping. Ultrasonic testing (UT) is a widely applied technique in nondestructive inspection in nuclear power plants. In Japan, sizing accuracy of a crack detected in the weld of austenitic stainless steel piping is assured by the Performance Demonstration (PD) system. Discussion on confirmation of the detection skill of UT inspectors through an appropriate training is being held at the Japan Electric Association. The depth of the crack, which trainees have to detect in order to complete the training, should be evaluated based on structural integrity evaluation. Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is focused on as the convincing method for structural integrity evaluation in a rational manner.
In this paper, the probability of detection (POD) curve, which shows variation of the probability of detection depending on the crack depth, was expressed by using the following two parameters: One is minimum detectable crack depth and the other is the crack depth with POD of 100%. PFM analysis code taking into account this POD curve was developed. Then we performed several PFM analyses with different parameters set of POD curve. Consequently, the effect of the crack depth with POD of 100% on the leak probability is larger than that of the minimum detectable crack depth.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
永井 政貴 |
材料科学研究所 構造材料領域 |
共 |
三浦 直樹 |
材料科学研究所 構造材料領域 |
共 |
東海林 一 |
材料科学研究所 PDセンター |
和文 | 英文 |
確率論的破壊力学 | Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics |
欠陥検出確率 | Probability of Detection |
供用期間中検査 | In-Service Inspection |
応力腐食割れ | Stress Corrosion Cracking |
構造健全性評価 | Structural Integrity Evaluation |