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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Development of Ultrasonic Phased Array Technique Applicable to Geometry Variation Regions of Weld Joints in Steam Pipes - Part 3: Application to weld with complex surface profile -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Creep damage in heat affected zone (HAZ) of welded high-chromium pipes is a serious problem in ultra super critical thermal power plants. Because creep damage progresses at the internal HAZ preferentially rather than surfaces, nondestructive inspection technique is necessary to detect this type of creep damage. The phased array ultrasonic testing has been applied to detection of creep damage in the welded pipes which do not have complex surface profiles, and it can detect about damage of 70% rupture time. In the field inspection, however, testing surfaces are often complex profiles such as a weld crown and a nozzle welding. When a weld crown exists, ultrasonic waves are usually transmitted through a flat surface over the base metal with high refraction angle. Detection sensitivity becomes low because focal length becomes short with increase in the refraction angle. It is possible to obtain high detective sensitivity if ultrasonic waves are transmitted through the surface of weld crown. We developed the phased array ultrasonic inspection technique which measures surface profiles and performs beam steering taking into account surface profiles. In this report, our method is applied to weld crown with complex surface profile. Surface profiles of weld crown of butt welding specimen measured by our method agree well with real shapes. In the sectorial views obtained by waves transmitted through the complex geometry surface over the crown, an indication for simulated crack can clearly be observed.







永井 政貴

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

林 山

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域

福冨 広幸

材料科学研究所 火力材料領域


非破壊検査 Nondestructive Testing
超音波探傷試験 Ultrasonic Testing
フェーズドアレイ技術 Phased Array Technique
開口合成法 Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique
複雑形状 Complex Geometry
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry