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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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先進的な超音波方法を用いた配管の減肉測定法の開発 -第2報:高い周波数のガイド波を用いた減肉測定法の開発ー


Development of Measuring Method of Pipe Wall Thinning Using Advanced Ultrasonic Techniques -Part 2: Development of Wall Thinning Measurement Method by Guided Waves with Higher Frequency-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

CRIEPI proposed a method based on guided waves and electromagnetic acoustic transducers to measure pipe wall thinning efficiently. In order to detect small local wall thinnings, it is strongly expected to excite guided waves with higher frequency. In this report, the analysis of wave propagation in a plate with thickness of 10 mm is performed with the finite element method and is verified with a plate specimen with the same thickness, which shows that it is possible to excite guided waves to propagate in such a plate at the frequency of 2 MHz when a shear oblique transducer with refraction angle of 45 degrees is used. The detection of artificial defects introduced in the plate specimen is performed by guided waves with frequency of 0.3 MHz and 2 MHz, respectively. The SN ratio of the reflected echo from these defects at the frequency of 2 MHz is larger at least 5.6 dB than that at the frequency of 0.3 MHz, which results in detecting small defects that is difficult for guided waves with frequency of 0.3 MHz. The shear oblique transducer is also used to detect artificial defects introduced in a pipe specimen whose diameter and thickness are 318 mm and 10.16 mm, respectively. Experimental results show that it is possible to detect all defects axially, but difficult to detect small detects circumferentially. Three dimensional ultrasonic field is analyzed based on Mulit-Gaussian beam to make clear the reason, that is the spread of ultrasonic waves increases with the curvature of specimen when to measure circumferentially.







林 山

材料科学研究所 構造材料評価領域

福冨 広幸

材料科学研究所 構造材料評価領域

緒方 隆志

材料科学研究所 構造材料評価領域


非破壊検査 Nondestructive Testing
超音波探傷試験 Ultrasonic Testing
ガイド波 Guided Waves
減肉 Wall Thinning
減肉率 Wall Thinning Ratio
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry