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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Relationship between the cause of substation equipment damage and the input level of earthquake ground motion during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

During the 2011 off the pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, earthquake ground motions with the peak horizontal acceleration exceeded 300 gal were observed at many stations. The number of stations that observed the peak horizontal acceleration exceeded 300 gal was significantly greater than previous damaging earthquakes. The peak acceleration value of 300 gal is the input ground motion level of the guideline about substation equipment named JEAG5003. However, the damage rates of substation equipments were not so higher than the ones by previous damaging earthquakes. Therefore it was recognized that earthquake-resistant performances of substation equipment were confirmed .In order to reduce risk from future great earthquakes, it is important to clarify the cause of high rate of equipment damage with operational failure, and to reflect the derived knowledge. In this study, the cause analysis of 275 kV transformer damage in the Sendai substation was conducted based on an estimation of input ground motion and seismic response analysis by using estimated input motion. As a result, it was revealed that the stress over allowable level occurred in the broken bushing. Moreover, it was shown that about half of the observed records with the peak acceleration exceeded300 gal did not exceed the acceleration response value by the design level of JEAG5003, and that the twice of the design level was needed to cover about ninety percent of the observed records with the peak acceleration exceeded 300 gal.







佐藤 浩章

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域

石丸 真

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域

栗山 雅之

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域

野口 科子

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域


東北地方太平洋沖地震 Off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake
変圧器 Transformer
地震動 Earthquake ground motion
一体化解析 Integrated analysis
設計基準 Design guideline
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry