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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




経年劣化した鉄筋コンクリート製地中構造物の構造性能評価に関する検討(その6)- 鉄筋腐食を考慮した照査用限界値推定法の提案 -


Structural Performance Evaluation on Aging Underground Reinforced Concrete Structures(PartVI) -An estimation method for threshold value in performance verification taking reinforcing steel corrosion-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This paper discusses applicability of material degradation model due to reinforcing steel corrosion for RC box-culverts with corroded reinforcement and an estimation method for threshold value in performance verification reflecting reinforcing steel corrosion. First, In FEM analyses, loss of reinforcement section area and initial tension strain arising from reinforcing steel corrosion, and deteriorated bond characteristics between reinforcement and concrete were considered. The full-scale loading tests using corroded RC box-culverts were numerically analyzed. As a result, the analyzed crack patterns and load-strain relationships were in close agreement with the experimental results within the maximum corrosion ratio 15% of primary reinforcement. Then, we showed that this modeling could estimate the load carrying capacity of corroded RC box-culverts. Second, a parametric study was carried out for corroded RC box culverts with various sizes, reinforcement ratios and levels of steel corrosion, etc. Furthermore, as an application of analytical results and various experimental investigations, we suggested allowable degradation ratios for a modification of the threshold value, which corresponds to the chloride induced deterioration progress that is widely accepted in maintenance practice for civil engineering reinforced concrete structures. Finally, based on these findings, we developed two estimation methods for threshold value in performance verification: 1) a structural analysis method using nonlinear FEM included modeling of material degradation, 2) a practical method using a threshold value, which is determined by structural analyses of RC box-culverts in sound condition, is multiplied by the allowable degradation ratio.







松尾 豊史

地球工学研究所 構造工学領域

松村 卓郎

地球工学研究所 構造工学領域

宮川 義範

地球工学研究所 構造工学領域


関西電力㈱ 土木建築室 原子力土木建築G

岩森 暁如

関西電力㈱ 土木建築室 原子力土木建築G


鉄筋コンクリート Reinforced concrete
地中構造物 Underground structure
鉄筋腐食 Reinforcing steel corrosion
有限要素解析 Finite element analysis
性能照査 Performance Verification
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry