電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Ageing Characteristics of the VSC-17 Concrete Cask Storing Spent Nuclear Fuel for 15 years
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
For long-term use of a concrete cask, radiation and environmental effects may cause chemical and physical alteration of the concrete that could result in excessive cracking, spalling, and loss of strength. To determine the durability performance of a concrete cask, the Ventilated Storage Cask (VSC-17) was identified as a candidate, because it has been used to store fuel as part of the dry cask storage demonstration project for more than 15 years in the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). Properties of the concrete material, surface temperature, dose rates and the concrete strength were surveyed by NDE (Non-Destructive Examination) methods. Moreover, the surface condition of the canister installed inside the cask was surveyed by optical fiber-scopes and it was found that the canister had no visual degradation. However, as a localized hot spot beneath an upper air vent was detected, an ultrasonic testing was conducted to investigate the distribution of the wave propagation velocity. As a result, it appears that the concrete beneath the upper air vent has a low wave propagation velocity, indicating that there may be reduction in its density due to the water dissipation under the severe thermal loading. This fact indicated that well-draining of the bleeding water during placing concrete process of the fresh concrete in the manufacture stage is essential.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
白井 孝治 |
地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター |
共 |
三枝 利有 |
地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター |
共 |
笹原 昭博 |
原子力技術研究所 発電基盤技術領域 |
共 |
服部 隆利 |
原子力技術研究所 放射線安全研究センター |
共 |
松村 卓郎 |
地球工学研究所 構造工学領域 |
共 |
Sheryl L. Morton |
アイダホ国立研究所 |
共 |
P.L. Winston |
アイダホ国立研究所 |
和文 | 英文 |
コンクリートキャスク | Concrete Cask |
使用済燃料貯蔵 | Spent Fuel Storage |
経年変化 | Ageing |
非破壊検査 | Non-Destructive Examination |
遮へい | Radiation Shielding |