電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
CRIEPI and SKB Cooperation Report No.8 - Numerical Analysis for In-situ Tracer Migration Experiment aiming at Fracture Network -
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Numerical analyses were performed for an in-situ tracer migration experiment in the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. The numerical code, FEGM, which was developed by CRIEPI, was used for the analyses. The analytical domain was a cube whose length of one side was 200 m and 5,678 fractures were assumed inside it. The fractures were classified into fault and non-fault. Firstly, intersection of the fractures was investigated. As a result, it turned out that 1,364 fractures were related to the tracer migration. Secondly a preliminary tracer migration analysis in which only advection-dispersion phenomenon in fractures was considered was performed by changing the number of modeled fractures. And it was confirmed that the model in which only the 40 main fractures were considered gave the almost same calculated breakthrough curve as the one obtained by using the model in which all the 1,634 fractures were considered. Finally a detailed numerical analysis was performed for the in-situ tracer migration experiment. In the analysis, not only advection-dispersion phenomena in the 40 main fractures but also diffusion and adsorption phenomenon in the surrounding rock matrix were considered. Each relatively large fracture was divided into two or more fractures in some places and was modeled as a single fracture with an equivalent transport property. The calculated breakthrough curves of a non-adsorptive tracer, rhenium, and an adsorptive tracer, calcium, agreed well with the measured ones. It becomes possible by following the above-mentioned procedure to predict solute migration in rock mass with enormous numbers of fractures rationally and precisely.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
田中 靖治 |
地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター |
共 |
長谷川 琢磨 |
地球工学研究所 バックエンド研究センター |
和文 | 英文 |
溶質移行解析 | Solute migration analysis |
トレーサ試験 | Tracer experiment |
割れ目 | Fracture |
花崗岩 | Granite |
高レベル放射性廃棄物 | High-level radioactive waste |