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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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地震観測記録に基づく地震動の減衰特性 -硬岩地盤における減衰定数の同定と地盤安定性評価に及ぼす影響-


Attenuation characteristics of seismic motion based on earthquake observation records-Identification of damping factor at hard rock sites and its influences on ground stability evaluation-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In this report, we examined validity of currently available ground stability evaluation method by applying commonly used damping factor which was invariant for frequency. First, we conducted a survey of the actual conditions of damping factors, which were used in ground stability evaluation, on 10 existing nuclear power plants. As a result, we found that damping factor of 0.03(3%) was used in of 80 percent investigated plants. Next, a spectral inversion method using very fast simulated annealing was proposed for identifying damping factor and its lower limit. Here, the lower limit of damping factor means intrinsic damping factor. The developed inversion method was applied to borehole array data recorded at hard rock ground. From the inversion, it was found that intrinsic damping factor of hard rock ground distributed between about 0.03(3%) and 0.06(3%) at a depth of less than 100m, and between about 0.003(0.3%) and 0.01(1%) at a depth of more than 100m. Furthermore, we indicated that scattering damping factor with in a depth of less than 100m was in proportion to the almost -1.0 power of the frequency, and the factor in a depth of more than 100m had a peak in a frequency range from about 1.0 to 5.0Hz. Therefore, it was recognized that commonly used damping of 0.03(3%) expressed intrinsic damping factor of shallower hard rock ground. Finally, we estimated the influences of damping factor on ground stability evaluation by 2D dynamic FEM analyses of hard rock foundation ground considering 8 slipping lines using 6 combinations of damping factor. It was demonstrated that the variation of damping factor was not so decisive on the results of ground stability evaluation. This suggests present ground stability evaluation method by applying commonly used damping factor is reasonable for hard rock sites.







佐藤 浩章


金谷 守


大鳥 靖樹



硬岩地盤 hard rock ground
減衰特性 damping characteristics
焼きなまし法 simulated annealing
鉛直アレイ borehole array
地盤安定性評価 ground stability evaluation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry