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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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再生可能エネルギーを用いた電解水素の経済性 -国内外コスト比較と電解設備容量抑制の効果-


Cost analysis of hydrogen produced from renewable energy -Comparisons of the production costs in Japan and abroad and the effect of reducing capacity of electrolyzer -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

背  景
目  的
1. 2030年における国内および国外の再エネ水素のLCOHの試算

2. 2030年以降の将来における国外再エネ水素のLCOHの見通し
国外の再エネ電力の価格と水電解コストが長期予測注2) 注5)の通りに低下すれば、再エネ水素の製造コストは8~10円/Nm3になる。その上で、2030年の政府目標注3)のLCOH 30円/Nm3を実現するには、液化や国際輸送等の設備費を半減する必要があることが分かった。

3. 国内再エネ水素の水電解設備容量抑制によるLCOH低減効果

注1) 経済産業省資源エネルギー庁, 第5次エネルギー基本計画 (2018)
注2) 国際再生可能エネルギー機関, Future of Wind (2019)およびFuture of Solar Photovoltaic (2019)
注3) 経済産業省資源エネルギー庁, 水素・燃料電池戦略ロードマップ (2019)
注4) 水野有智ら, Journal of Japan Society of Energy and Resources, Vol.38, No.3, pp. 11-17 (2017)
注5) 国際エネルギー機関, The Future of Hydrogen (2019)

概要 (英文)

Hydrogen is one of the most promising elements to accelerate the realization of low carbon society as well as for a sector coupling. Generally, hydrogen produced from renewable energy using water or steam electrolysis (power to gas) is costly as renewable energy is more expensive compared to it produced from fossil fuels. However, the more the renewable energy is introduced, the less the electricity costs thus the price of hydrogen produced from renewable electricity can be significantly lowered. One of the main objectives of this paper is to analyze the hydrogen cost based on the recent price estimation of renewable electricity in near future. For the purpose, levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) is calculated for Japan as well as abroad such as Australia and the results are compared. Although the cost of electricity of Japan is more than the twice (wind 8 to 9 Yen/kWh, solar photovoltaic 7.0Yen/kWh) compared to that of abroad (onshore wind 3.3Yen/kWh and solar photovoltaic 2.2 Yen/kWh), LCOH of hydrogen at Japan is about the same as 50 to 60 Yen/Nm3 for both cases since the transportation cost of hydrogen from abroad to Japan is added in the case of abroad. Other than that, a kind of case study is shown in which the actual data of solar photovoltaic generation in Tokyo area in 2018 is assessed to obtain the relationship between LCOH and the load factor of electrolysis as well as the output curtailment. When the installed capacity of the water or steam electrolysis is reduced, its load factor is increased and thus the cost of electrolysis is reduced. However, the cost of electricity is increases according to the curtailed output. It is shown that LCOH reaches the minimum value of 45.6 Yen/Nm3 that is about 7.3 Yen/Nm3 smaller than the value without any curtailment, when the relative capacity of electrolysis to solar photovoltaic is 0.58 and the output of solar photovoltaic is curtailed about 5.2% at that time.







西 美奈

エネルギー技術研究所 エネルギープラットフォーム創生領域

山本 博巳

エネルギーイノベーション創発センター テクノロジープロモーションユニット

竹井 勝仁



水素コスト評価 Cost analysis of hydrogen
パワー トゥー ガス Power to Gas
再生可能エネルギー Renewable energy
水電解および水蒸気電解 Water- and steam- electrolysis
出力制御 Output control
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry