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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




石炭火力ボイラ水冷壁管における耐硫化腐食コーティングの開発 第4報 -管表面の下地処理の影響-


Development of coating technology for preventing sulfide corrosion on boiler tubes in coal fired power plant (Part IV) -Effects of surface preparation-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In thermal power generation equipment, there has been a problem of wall-thinning on boiler tubes due to sulfidation corrosion. With respect to the methods for solving or preventing the problem, there are the coating of a nickel-chromium film by plasma spraying, the weld cladding and the replacement of water wall tube. These methods are expensive and take a long time. Therefore, we have been developing an economical and straight forward technique of coating for preventing sulfide corrosion on boiler tubes. In the coating process, the surface preparation of the structural material is an important factor which affects the sulfidation corrosion–resistance, the cost and the term of application operation. In order to investigate the effects of surface preparation on sulfidation corrosion–resistance, the corrosion tests were performed on metal substrates prepared as per three preparation grades (U.S.A steel structure painting councils; SSPC-SP-10, SSPC-SP-6, SSPC-SP-3) in the laboratory and an actual real power plant. As a result of the substrate prepared as per SSPC-SP-6, the thickness of corrosion layer on a coated part was reduced to 10 percent or less compared with an uncoated part. It has been found that the metal substrate prepared as per SSPC-SP-6 is more corrosion–resistance than that prepared as per SSPC-SP-10. Moreover, the sulfidation corrosion-resistance on metal substrate prepared as per SSPC-SP-3 is also high, though there is a problem of existing corrosion layer detaching.







河瀬 誠

エネルギー技術研究所 エネルギー変換領域

森永 雅彦

エネルギー技術研究所 高効率発電領域


石炭火力 Coal fired power plant
ボイラ管 Boiler tube
硫化腐食 Sulfide corrosion
コーティング Coating
ケレン surface preparation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry