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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




揮発性有機化合物分解触媒の開発 -CeO2ハニカムによるトルエンの分解特性-


Development of VOC decomposition catalyst - decomposition characterisitic of toluen with CeO2 honeycomb

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are organic compounds such as benzene, toluene and xylene, which are easily scattered in the atmosphere. These compounds are usually found in the industries that manufacture or utilize organic solvents (e.g., petrochemical, printing, or coating industry). In addition to causing harmful effects on human organs, VOC may also react with NOx in the atmosphere to form even more toxic photochemical smog and O3. One of the techniques available for decomposition of VOC is catalytic oxidation. Catalytic destruction has become a strongly favoured alternative to thermal oxidation as an effective method of facilitating the removal of lower VOC concentrations in air streams. CeO2 honeycomb catalysts were prepared by coating a CeO2 on surface of the ceramic honeycomb. The activities of the catalyst have been determined over the temperature range 150-300℃. The concentrations of toluene in the feedstreaem were maintained at about 200ppm. At first, the catalytic activities have been determined over the area velocity of range 2.2-4.1m/h. Conversion efficiency was enhanced with a decrease of area velocity. Conversion efficiency at 2.2m/h showed about 95% at 300℃. When it is compared to pellet catalyst, it was less activity than pellet. However, pellet and honeycomb was nearly identical catalytic activities. Under all conditions of 60cpi honeycomb catalyst, an approximately linear relationship exists between the catalytic conversion efficiency and the area velocity. This relationship was not altered by the honeycomb cell pitch and gas flow rate. Next, In order to study the effect of setting on the catalyst’s performance, the catalytic tests carried out with a concentration of 200ppm VOC in air and at 150-300℃. The how to set of honeycomb catalyst was space former honeycomb from latter honeycomb and the sort of spin around latter honeycomb. Consequently, under all temperature conditions the catalytic activities was slightly higher than normal setting method. A series of life tests of the catalyst carried out with a concentration of 200ppm VOC in air and at area velocity of 2.2m/h at 300℃. The CeO2 honeycomb catalyst showed above 98% conversion efficiency and stability with toluene at reaction temperature 300℃. The above results showed that CeO2 honeycomb catalyst was effective for the decomposition of VOC.







栃原 義久


山口 哲正


伊藤 茂男



揮発性有機化合物 Volatile organic compounds
環境規制 Envirommental Regulation
セリア Cerium Oxide
ハニカム Honeycomb
トルエン Toluene
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry