電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Increment of capacity of casks for LWR spent fuel transport (3) Demonstration of quantification of neutron leakage from a fuel assembly
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
H(n,gamma) method is proposed to quantify the number of leakage neutrons from a fuel assembly immersed in light water pond. The quantification is achieved by counting 2.223MeV gamma rays radiated by neutron capture reactions in hydrogen (H(n,gamma)) outside the assembly. In the cases that sufficient thickness of light water surrounds the assembly, the number of neutron leakage almost equals to that of the gamma ray emission. To relate the counts rate to the number of thegamma ray emission, an evaluation method of detection efficiency is also developed assuming spatial distributions of 6Li(n,t) and 115In(n,gamma) reactions are similar to that of the H(n,gamma) one. The quantification is demonstrated for light water moderated sub-critical cores mocked up in Kyoto University Critical Assembly facility (KUCA). The 2.223MeV gamma rays are measured with a NaI scintillator. The distributions of the 6Li(n,t) reaction rate are obtained with optical-fiber detectors and those of the 115In(n,gamma) reactions are done by the activation method. The experimentally deduced number of neutron absorptions outside the cores agrees with those estimated with a neutronics calculation code within accuracy of 4.5%.
With the number of leakage neutrons from a spent fuel assembly quantified by the method, we can estimate the total number of fission neutron emission so that we can certify the burn-up of the assembly.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
名内 泰志 |
原子力技術研究所 発電基盤技術領域 |
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亀山 高範 |
原子力技術研究所 発電基盤技術領域 |
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宇根崎博信 |
京都大学原子炉実験所 |
共 |
三澤毅 |
京都大学原子炉実験所 |
共 |
佐野忠史 |
京都大学原子炉実験所 |
共 |
八木貴宏 |
京都大学原子炉実験所 |
和文 | 英文 |
H(n,γ)法 | H(n,gamma) method |
未臨界集合体 | subcritical assembly |
漏洩中性子 | Leakage neutron |
γ線計測 | gamma ray measurement |
京都大学臨界集合体実験装置 | KUCA |