電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
米国アイダホ研の乾式貯蔵使用済燃料の長期健全性評価 -金属キャスクのカバーガス分析評価-
Evaluation of long-term integrity of spent fuels stored in Idaho National Laboratory -Cover gas sampling inside metal cask and its analysis-
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in USA is managing the CASTOR-V/21 metal cask which has stored 21 PWR spent fuel assemblies discharged from Surry nuclear power plant since 1985. After cask performance test carried out on CASTR-V/21 in 1985, INL has often made gas sampling and analysis on cover gas taken from inside CASTOR-V/21 to confirm spent fuel integrity using mass spectra and gamma detection techniques. In this study, gas sample data obtained in the past gas sampling activities, gas sampling procedure and its analysis techniques applied to CASTOR-V/21 are reviewed and the integrity of spent fuels stored in CASTOR-V/21 since 1985 is evaluated by comparing 85Kr gamma ray in the gas sample data with those of ORIGEN calculation and the results show that the spent fuels stored in CASTOR-V/21 have no defect. Additionally, it is shown that the 85Kr gamma ray measurement technique is available to apply to detection of a defected fuel with 1% leak amount of Kr gas produced during irradiation till 2050. The estimation method for characteristics such as burn-up and initial enrichment on defected fuels, using the ratio of nuclide composition, 136Xe/134Xe, Xe/Kr and 136Xe/131Xe, is also investigated and proposed to specify the defected fuels in the cask.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
笹原 昭博 |
原子力技術研究所 発電基盤技術領域 |
共 |
三枝 利有 |
地球工学研究所 |
和文 | 英文 |
乾式貯蔵 | Dry storage |
金属キャスク | Metal cask |
カバーガス採取 | Cove gas sampling |
使用済燃料 | Spent fuel |
燃料健全性 | Fuel integrity |