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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Development of Estimation Technique for Activity Distribution in Low-level Radioactive Waste(2) -Standard Uncetainty and Applicable Scope of the Specific Activity Measurement Method Using Shape Measurement Technique-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

原子力発電所の廃止措置においては、炉内構造物等の大型の解体物が多数発生する。IAEA輸送規則によれば、比放射能分布が全体に渡って分布している場合は、LSA(Low Specific Activity)-II物質として分類され、同物質として取り扱うことができれば、IP型輸送物としての輸送が可能になる。同輸送規則の助言文書では、放射能が全体にわたって分布していることの証明として、体積に応じて5または10分割したブロックの比放射能が10倍以内であることを、確認方法として挙げている。本研究では、写真計測技術とモンテカルロ計算及び放射線計測を活用し、さらに、ブロックを分割したセグメント単位で比放射能を評価することで、比較的高精度に比放射能評価が可能な手法を開発し、本手法を組み込んだ「廃棄体中放射能評価システム」を開発した。セグメント及びブロックの放射能評価における標準不確かさを、模擬金属廃棄物と標準線源を用いて評価し、適用範囲について明らかにした。

概要 (英文)

In the decommissioning of nuclear power plants, a number of low-level radioactive wastes of large size are generated as a result of dismantling the facilities and reactor core internal structure. According to the IAEA Safety Standards Series Requirements No. ST-1 published in 1996, most of these wastes are categorized as LSA (Low Specific Activity)-II material, whose uniformity in the distribution of specific activity must be checked before transport. The following simple criterion for uniform distribution is included in the IAEA Safety Guide of ST-2:226.14, 15, which states that the differences between the specific activities of portions of large size container, which are defined as one-fifth or one-tenth of the volume, should be within a factor of less than 10. To confirm that this requirement is met, a new method of evaluating the distribution of the specific activity distribution in large waste containers has been developed. In this method, the positions of radioactive wastes of large size are monitored by photogrammetry when they are placed in large containers. The entire amount of waste is approximately expressed as an assembly of voxels. The specific activity of a portion of the waste is estimated as a summation of segments, whose specific activity can be estimated by gamma-ray measurement and Monte Carlo calculation minutely. Using this technique, Activity Distribution Evaluation System has developed. The standard uncertainty of activity evaluation of a segment in calibration was evaluated for mock-metal waste with varying the filling rate, distance between the detector and the measurement target. The combined standard uncertainty was also estimated and the applicable scope was clarified.







佐々木 道也

原子力技術研究所 放射線安全研究センター

荻野 晴之

原子力技術研究所 放射線安全研究センター


低レベル放射性廃棄物 Low-level radioactive waste
輸送 Transport
比放射能分布 Specific activity distribution
写真計測 Photogrammetry
標準不確かさ Standard Uncertainty
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry