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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Investigation on Promoting Method of Vapor Explosion to Quench and Atomize High Melting Point Metals

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

We developed ultra rapid solidification and atomization technique, CANOPUS, using small-scale vapor explosion and develop an amorphous metal with a new function. In order to apply CANOPUS method to high melting point metals, we investigated the conditions to generate spontaneous vapor explosions using high melting point metal. Small-scale experiments were conducted in which a molten copper droplet released into water pool. Spontaneous vapor explosion did not occur when water temperature was equal and more than 50 oC. Spontaneous vapor explosion did, however, occur at a rate of 70 %, when water temperature was 20 oC. A high-speed video frames explored the triggering processes of spontaneous vapor explosions: (1) when a molten copper droplet released into water pool, a vapor film was formed and separates the copper droplet and surrounding water, that is film boiling, (2) a filament of molten copper grew from the surface and deformed the vapor film, (3) since the filament of molten copper had a small heat capacity and was rapidly quenched, the vapor film condensed along the filament surface, and the molten copper droplet around the filament directly contacted with water, and finally (4) triggering of spontaneous vapor explosions occurred from the filament to the whole molten copper droplet. When the filament growth was observed, it triggered the spontaneous vapor explosion in almost all cases. When not, spontaneous vapor explosion was not observed and the vapor film was, therefore, stably formed around the molten copper droplet. We concluded that the filament form the molten copper triggered spontaneous vapor explosion in a highly subcooled water. From these results, it is supposed that we can achieve an effect of rapid cooling and atomization with vapor explosions against high melting point metals by continuous supply of low temperature water to molten metal droplets or development of a system to keep the water temperature low.







新井 崇洋

原子力技術研究所 発電基盤技術領域

古谷 正裕

原子力技術研究所 発電基盤技術領域


非晶質金属 Amorphous metal
蒸気爆発 Vapor explosion
蒸気膜崩壊 Vapor Film Collapse
フィラメント Filament
サブクール水 Subcooled Water
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry