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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Development of a Frequency-Dependent Line Model for Electromagnetic Transient Simulations without Model Identification Problems (Part 1): Simulation Performance of an FDTD-Based Line Model

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

そこで本報告では,上記要求を満たす線路モデルとして,FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) 法に基づく周波数依存線路モデルの解析性能を評価した。FDTD法に基づくモデルは,線路を短い区間に分割し,各区間のインピーダンスとキャパシタンスを用いて計算を行う非常に基本的な計算原理に基づいているため,モード分解を必要としない。まず,評価に先立ち,FDTD法に基づくモデルに対して計算効率と数値安定性に関する改良を行った。次に,この改良モデルを用いて解析性能を評価し,(i) 精度改善の余地はあるものの,モード分解を一切行わずに伝搬速度が異なるモードが時間差で到着して階段状の波形を生じる分波現象を再現できること,(ii) 数値安定化のために挿入した一次遅れフィルタの影響で,所要の精度を実現するには計算時間刻みを小さくとる必要があることを明らかにした。以上より,本モデルは,モード分解を完全に排除しているため,精度や計算時間刻みの問題を克服できれば,モデル同定に支障を生じる可能性のないモデルとなり得ることを示した。

概要 (英文)

Electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations of power systems, using an EMT simulation program such as XTAP, require accurate representation in a wide range of frequencies from the power frequency to a high frequency. This applies to the representation of transmission lines, and the phase-domain frequency-dependent line model is often used to this end. The phase-domain line model does not require modal transformation in EMT simulations but requires modal decomposition at its model identification stage, and there are cases where it fails to fix switchovers of propagation modes with respect to frequency. Thus, a frequency-dependent line model which essentially does not require modal decomposition is desired.
This report studies the realization possibility of a frequency-dependent line model based on the FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method as a candidate which satisfies the above-mentioned requirements. First, improvements regarding computational efficiency and numerical stability are made to the FDTD-based frequency-dependent line model proposed by Kordi. Then, the following points are clarified by investigations using the improved model: (i) Step-wise waveform variations due to arrivals of propagation modes with different velocities can be reproduced completely without modal decomposition; (ii) As the time step size becomes larger, waveforms given by the FDTD-based line model becomes less accurate due to the embedded first-order delay filter for numerical stability. Considering these points, the FDTD-based line model can become a frequency-dependent line model without model identification problems, if the error due to the embedded first-order delay filter is reduced.







野田 琢

電力技術研究所 電力応用領域

米澤 力道

電力技術研究所 電力応用領域


瞬時値解析 Electromagnetic transient analysis
送電線 Transmission lines
周波数依存効果 Frequency-dependent effects
FDTD法 FDTD method
モード分解 Modal decomposition
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry