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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Study of decision support programs for maintenance strategy of electric power equipment Part III -Utilization of cost related information and evaluation of daignosis in maintenance strategy-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The introduction of asset management techniques for creating a rational maintenance strategy of electric power equipment has become very intensive to reduce maintenance costs in not only electric power industry but also plant makers and other industry, which utilize electric equipments. There are two view points, one is optimization in short term, and the other is to make expense flat in long term. Although some researches have been carried out by utility companies, manufacturers and research organizations, there have not yet been enough concrete proposals and results. One of the biggest problems is lack of actual data. There is some gap between necessity data in asset management theory of the financial engineering and obtainable data in actual maintenance site. In order to utilize the concept of the asset management technique obtainable cost related information should be examined. Requests are being carried out to investigate and research actual cost related information about maintenance activities to utility companies, plant makers and other industry in this research theme. Some useful data, such as relationship between repair cost and age of power transformer, trouble reports of power transformers with severeness classification ranking, and trouble/renewal experiences of five kinds of power equipments, have been obtained. With these data some approaches based on the asset management concept are tried. Moreover, evaluation and effective utilization of diagnosis in maintenance strategy planning are examined. As asset management support tool, an average maintenance cost evaluation program for synthetic equipments, such as GIS, has been developed. It can compare total renewal and partial renewal of synthetic equipments based on the average maintenance cost.







高橋 紹大

電力技術研究所 機器絶縁領域

岡本 達希

電力技術研究所 機器絶縁領域

倉石 隆志

電力技術研究所 機器絶縁領域


アセットマネジメント asset management
支援プログラム support program
保守管理 maintenance
電力設備 electric power equipment
コスト評価 cost evaluation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry