電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
ギャップジャンクション依存性細胞間情報伝達と放射線感受性の関係 --ラット肝上皮細胞株における検討ー-
Radiosensitivity and Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication in Rat Liver Epithelial Cell Lines
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) plays an important role in the maintain of cellular homeostasis. It has been not yet clear, however, whether GJIC is involved in cellular radiosensitivity. We compared the radiosensitivity of two related cell lines, rat liver epithelial GJIC-proficient cell line WB-F344 and its GJIC-deficient mutant cell line WB-aB1. The cells were irradiated under three different conditions in respect to the cell-cell contact status: confluent (full contact), microcolony-forming (changing degree of contact) and single cell (no contact). The GJIC proficient WB-F344 cells showed a lower D0 value (1.6 Gy), indicating that they were more radiosensitive than the deficient WB-aB1 (3.8 Gy) cells, when irradiated under confluent conditions. When irradiated under single cell condition, the GJIC proficient WB-F344 cells became more resistant, while the radiosensitivity of the GJIC deficient cells remained unchanged. However, the radiosensitivity of the GJIC proficient cells were not influenced by the inhibitor of GJIC, lindane. These results therefore indicate that the cellular radiosensitivity of WB-F344 cell lines were not influenced by GJIC.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
星 裕子 |
低線量放射線研究センター |
共 |
岩崎 利泰 |
低線量放射線研究センター |
共 |
酒井 一夫 |
低線量放射線研究センター |
共 |
林 奉権 |
(財)放射線影響研究所 放射線生物部 |
和文 | 英文 |
放射線 | Ionizing radiation |
ラット肝上皮細胞株 | Rat liver epitherial cell line |
放射線感受性 | Radiosensitivity |
ギャップジャンクション依存性細胞間情報伝達 | Gap junctional intercellular communication |
バイスタンダー効果 | Bystander effect |