電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
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オフィスを対象とした執務者の便益評価手法の検討-(その4)照度と色温度の変化が中高齢者の疲労と視認性に及ぼす影響 -
Study on the method of benefit evaluation of the worker in the office environment -Part4 The effect of change in the illumination and the color temperature on the fatigue and the visibility at the middle-aged and elderly person -
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
背 景
目 的
2)朝の高照度・高色温度(C)は、両群のPC作業後の朝の視認性を向上させた。しかし、 M群は照度・色温度低下条件(C)において、E群は照度一定・色温度低下条件(B)において、朝から夕方に掛けて、視認性が有意に低下した。
概要 (英文)
It is known that light environment affects human circadian rhythm. The purpose of this study is to identify the erect of the change in illuminance and color temperatures of task lighting on the subject's fatigue, visibility, and work efficiency. Nineteen middle-aged and elderly men and women participated as subjects. They were exposed to 3 different light environments (Condition A; illuminance and color temperatures were constant, Condition B; Only color temperatures were changed, Condition C; illuminance and color temperatures were changed). The subjects were divided into two groups according to the age. The subjects under the age of 60 were included in Group M (11 subjects with average age of 53.3) and the subjects aged 60 and over were included in Group E (8 subjects with average age of 67.5). During the experiment, subjects performed PC tasks, and their physiological and psychological responses, degree of fatigue, and degree of visibility before and after the task were measured in the morning, noon, and evening.The following results are obtained.
The results of flicker tests showed that the increment of the degree of fatigue from the morning to the evening under the condition C was greater than that under the fixed condition. Also, there was an increase in eye fatigue and brightness sensation as well as a significant decline in visibility over time. In Group E,sensitivity towards brightness was observed regardless of the conditions and time. In the evening, the condition B caused greater fatigue in the focus adjustment function than the fixed conditions. There was a significant decline in visibility from morning to evening.
It was shown that the conditions in which visibility declined differed between different age groups. The changes in eye conditions due to aging should be taken into account. A further study is required to develop lighting systems changing illuminance and color temperature for reducing eye fatigue and increasing the visibility.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
安岡 絢子 |
エネルギーイノベーション創発センター カスタマーサービスユニット |
共 |
宮永 俊之 |
エネルギーイノベーション創発センター カスタマーサービスユニット |
共 |
岩田 利枝 |
東海大学 |
共 |
明石 行生 |
福井大学 |
和文 | 英文 |
オフィス | Office |
照度 | Illumination |
色温度 | Color temperature |
疲労 | Fatigue |
視認性 | Visibility |