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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




交流電界が実験動物に与える影響 Ⅵ.交流電界が過酸化脂質の生成に与える影響(in vivo実験)


Effects of AC electric fields on small laboratory animals VI. Effects on lipid peroxide formation, in vivo study

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

実験動物が交流電界に暴露された時、電界が生起する誘導電流が血液中の血清鉄を介して脂質の過酸化を促進するという仮説をたて、それを検証する目的で本研究を遂行した。実験は、当所開発の課電設備と実験条件(AC 50 Hz、25 kV/m、21h/day)で、対照・暴露各群10匹のゴールデンハムスター(雄)を用いた。血清鉄量と血清中過酸化脂質量、肝、腎、脾臓中の過酸化脂質量を定量し、暴露期間(4・12・28週)や週齢の違い(8―36週齢)による影響も差異も検討した。血清定量は加齢により増加したが、対照と比較して電界暴露による変化はなかった。血清中過酸化脂質量は、4-12週間の暴露では変化がなかったが、28週間では対照に対し有意に低下した。肝臓や腎臓では、暴露による著しい過酸化脂質量の変化はなかったが、脾臓では減少傾向を示した。以上の結果から、25 kV/mの交流電界の暴露では、血清や肝・腎・脾臓中では過酸化脂質が増加しないことが確かめられた。

概要 (英文)

This research aims to test the hypothesis that electric currents in the body induced by exposure to alternating current (AC) electric fields increase lipid peroxides. Groups of 10 male golden hamsters were either exposed to 50 Hz, 25 kV/m AC electric fields for 4, 12, or 28 weeks, 21 h/day, or sham-exposed. After the cessation of exposures, animals were sacrificed, and the serum iron and lipid peroxides in the serum, liver, kidneys, and spleen were measured. Four weeks-exposure was duplicated at different animal age (8 to 12 weeks of age and 16 to 20 weeks of age); 12 weeks-exposure was triplicated (8 to 20 weeks old, 15 to 27 weeks old, and 24 to 36 weeks old of animals) to investigate any different responses in the different animal age. Serum iron tended to increase gradually with the aging of the animals. However, no statistically significant difference was evident after any of exposures to the AC electric fields when compared exposed animals with concurrent sham-exposed ones. There were no significant changes in the levels of liver lipid peroxides in any exposures. In the kidneys, a 4-week exposure (8 to 12 weeks of age) indicated an increased level of lipid peroxides, but the other 4-week exposure as well as other durations of exposures showed no significant changes. Contrary, two of 12-week exposures (8 to 20 and 15 to 27 weeks old animals) decreased lipid peroxides in the spleen, but the rest of the exposures did not display significant changes. These results indicate lack of consistent changes or any specific patterns of changes in the response of lipid peroxidation in exposed animals. Results from the present studies together provide no evidence to support the hypothesis that 50 Hz AC electric field exposure induces lipid peroxidation in the mammals.







西村 泉


根岸 正


志賀 陽一



交流電界 AC Electric Fields
ゴールデンハムスター Golden Hamster
過酸化脂質 Lipid Peroxide
血清鉄 Serum Iron
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry