Dialogue with Mr. Hamada, CEO of the Japan Atomic Power Company (Mar. 5, 2015)

Date Mar. 5, 2015
Place Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industries
Main Participants
JAPC :Mr. Hamada (CEO), Mr. Ichimura (CNO)
NRRC :Dr. Apostolakis (Head), Dr. Meserve (Executive Advisor)

Dr. Apostolakis and Dr. Meserve visited Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant on March 2, 2015, were informed on the result of JAPC’s survey on the shatter zones, and had discussions on the development and utilization status of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA).
In the dialogue on March 5, Mr. Hamada and Dr. Apostolakis discussed on the current status and the future vision for PRA utilization.

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Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry